Michael Walter Nickel, affectionately known as “Nickel” by friends and fans, passed quickly and peacefully with his daughter by his side in Boulder County, Colorado. Anyone who ever crossed paths with Nickel in his 83 years of life left the encounter with a smile. Despite challenging circumstances in these final seasons, the punster always had a joke to share. He wowed docs, caregivers and friends with his charm and wit. Always the entrepreneur, he started his business career at a very young age. Buying ties in Chicago and taking them back to college in South Dakota, he started his first small business. Moving past college he made a name for himself in the advertising world, setting himself apart for his wit and creativity, winning numerous Addy awards. Finding his true passion in life, he became a founding member of the American Art Pottery association and authored several books. He is known throughout the US and around the world as the go-to resource on all things American Art Pottery. To his final days, you could show him a picture of almost any piece and he would recite a passage about that piece to rival any Wikipedia article. Mike is survived by his daughter Kimberly Rae Rouland, his son, Jon Nickel-D’Andrea, Son-in-law, Ben Nickel-D’Andrea and Grandsons Riley, Josh, and Dana, Sister-in-law, Dottie Nickel. Services TBD. If you would like notice of his celebration of life coming soon in G.R, please email Kimberly at KRaeosunshine3@gmail.com. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Humane Society or the American Art Pottery Association in Mike’s name.
Published in Grand Rapids Press on Jan. 28, 2018